A web hosting service is a kind of Internet hosting service which enables people and organizations to create their own website accessible through the World Wide Web, over the network of a computer. The term is actually an acronym for 'web site hosting.' This kind of Máquina virtual hosting is also referred to as shared web hosting or grid hosting. It is an arrangement in which several websites share a computer. In other words, one website is hosted on a server that has many computers that are connected to the Internet.
When you want to access your own website, you can either host it yourself or use a Web hosting service. Hosting companies provide a number of different plans, which suit individual requirements. Some of these services include free website content, image galleries, software tools, e-mail, MySQL databases and more. There is no limit to the number of websites you can host with them. However, they will charge you depending on the amount of data transferred.
An established business website needs a web hosting service to survive online. The best way to attract potential customers to your business website is by being accessible in various locations across the country or in other parts of the world. Therefore, if your company has sales representatives in different regions, you will need to keep your website in different places at any given time. One of the ways to be available to your customer base is by having an online presence.
Web hosting companies let you have a professional image in the market which is necessary when you are trying to promote your product or service. In addition to being available to your clients, web hosting companies also allow you to expand your customer base. Once you have a strong client base, you can contact them whenever you need to provide updates or new products. There are a large number of hosting companies in the US. Therefore, if you wish to find the best web hosting service provider for your business website, you should do extensive research before you choose a company.
Web hosting services are either shared or dedicate. Shared hosting providers host multiple websites on a server. This means that every time a customer requests a page, the server is contacted and all other customers' websites are blocked from accessing the page. This type of hosting is affordable and reliable. Most small businesses or personal websites do not require dedicated server hosting.
For businesses or personal websites, you may want to look into the possibility of buying hosting from a hosting provider. This is because hosting providers usually offer monthly charges to cover hardware costs and software licenses. Some hosts offer free web hosts to new customers. Free hosts offer a limited amount of space but it is enough to serve your basic needs.
For you to get more enlightened about this subject, see this post: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_hosting_service.